Sunday, February 7, 2010

ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?

PAPER SAID, We have to remember that we are very much dependent on the Filipinos around us.We could die a slow death if they chose to leave us.

I'm became a handicapped and shut my establishment after my Filipino workers insisted to back homeland.When they left, I felt as if Ihad lost my arms,I was so sad that I lost my appetite.

Nobody here can think of a life w/out Filipinos, who make up around 20% of the world seafarers.there are 1.2 million Filipinos sailors. So if filipinos decided one day to stop working or go to strike for any reason, who would transport our oil, food and heavy equipment across the world? We can only imagine the disaster that would happen. What makes filipno unique is ability to communicate and technical training the received in the early stages of their education because theijr are several specialized training institute in the philippines which are Europian %26amp; american Standard in combination.This type of education system is very effective.ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?
All the stuff you said is true to quite some extent. But for many Filipinos, these do not necessarily materialize into the much needed cash. Filipino workers worldwide remain the most highly exploited. The employer who felt his arms and legs were amputated after his/ her Filipino worker left, will not get replacements for the peanuts they pay under the name of a salary. Nor will he get workers who will stay in such pitiable conditions they subject Filipinos to.

By an ME newspaper, I assume you mean a Middle East-based newspaper. Can you ask this enlightened newspaper...has it ever brought to light, through its reports, the overall plight of the Filipino worker in that region???

BTW..which newspaper was that??? I would like to give them a piece of my mind.ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?
True. As Filipino's can be literally found almost everywhere and make up almost 20% of a country's population of workers I'd say that the Filipino's could affect certain countries' business. Now if only those people would come back to Philippines and do some work here and there ...... The Philippines can PROBABLY progress to some point ...
It is true and I agree with both answerers above.

Here are links to the complete news write-up and some comments from Qatar based Filipinos.;section鈥?/a>

But then if there are no Filipinos, surely there would be another who will be just like us.
I must say kitty cathleen is correct.
Perhaps, the paper you mentioned is a prophecy.

That a ';mass layoff'; is in the offing. I feel it in my bones, too. They're gonna fire us all cuz my company is heading down dangerous straits! Poor me! Alas! Heading back home as a ';bum'; again!

Am working in the Middle East, and my company used to have a 70% Filipino work force. Now, there's only a handful of us left. We were replaced by Bangla Deshis, Pakistanis, etc. etc. And our great Plant %26amp; Machinery department, that was the pride of the land, maintained by Filipinos, became a great junkyard when my countrymen left.
Way back then (a LONG time ago),

1 Philippine peso (P) is equivalent to 1 US dollar ($).

If only our politicians did not corrupt our money,

(ESPECIALLY the MARCOSes --including GMA)

This place could have already been a 1st World Country.

(I think it became / almost became a 1st World Country)

It's an honest and undeniable fact.

Even you alone KNOW exactly how great we,

the Filipino people are.

You know what?

We have the brains, the skills, and the resources.

We just LACK honest and dedicated leaders..

Who will govern our Prosperous Land.

ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?

PAPER SAID, We have to remember that we are very much dependent on the Filipinos around us.We could die a slow death if they chose to leave us.

I'm became a handicapped and shut my establishment after my Filipino workers insisted to back homeland.When they left, I felt as if Ihad lost my arms,I was so sad that I lost my appetite.

Nobody here can think of a life w/out Filipinos, who make up around 20% of the world seafarers.there are 1.2 million Filipinos sailors. So if filipinos decided one day to stop working or go to strike for any reason, who would transport our oil, food and heavy equipment across the world? We can only imagine the disaster that would happen. What makes filipno unique is ability to communicate and technical training the received in the early stages of their education because theijr are several specialized training institute in the philippines which are Europian %26amp; american Standard in combination.This type of education system is very effective.ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?
Some people think of Filipinos very lowly, with a big percentage of them doing the manual labor jobs, but I think Filipinos should be proud of their fellowmen because they are strong, as much as it pains them to, they leave their family to work abroad, to give them a better life, e.g. sailors. The babysitters/maids/domestic helpers are also something for Filipinos to be proud of. Most people would be ashamed to admit that his/her mother is a domestic helper/maid/babysitter but just like what my dad told me, you have to agree that the other people aren't capable of handling their own children and they trust them (filipinos) their children.

The filipinos are not afraid to learn, to strive and give it their all.ME news paper, local press head line. 'IMAGINE A WORLD W/OUT FILIPINOS' dated 16.6.08, Is it true or false?
Don't worry much about it, they can always be replaced with Chinese, or Bangladeshi, or Indians, and or Sri Lankan and Nepalis. The truth is that any nationality can be as reliable as the Filipinos just give them the training and education and eventually they will learn. Though it maybe will take some time because of the communication gap.

im glad that katia said that we're not afraid to learn anything...

all of us pinoys are really trying our best in all our work.... JUst like my mom __ one reason she left the philippines cuz she wanted to live a beter life in help the family

How can i prove a false document the story is that my landlord made sign a paper saying i gave him back the..?

the keys to the apt now when i signed this paper it was January 8th 2009 and as of than he took rent all the way in till june 11th all of my things were thrown out and this paper came out which my signature had been photo copied on to this paper and now says i released the keys to him on may 20 what can i do?? also when i signed this paper he had a pistol on his hip and a baseball bat on his desk also he said if i didnt sign it he was goin to throw me and my family out that weekHow can i prove a false document the story is that my landlord made sign a paper saying i gave him back the..?
If the only copy of this paper is a photocopy and he doesn't have the original, signed and dated by you, then you tell the judge that you did not sign it and that it is a fake.

Copies are usually not good enough in court.

True or False: You have your significant other, family or pet as your desktop wall paper or screen saver?

If true, share your experience please.True or False: You have your significant other, family or pet as your desktop wall paper or screen saver?
I have a picture of my sisters and I, at Christmas, sitting on a sofa, all making funny faces. I love it and it's silly.True or False: You have your significant other, family or pet as your desktop wall paper or screen saver?
I have used my children as wallpaper many times. I have one pic of them with a snowman that was absolutely awesome.

Right now though, I have German soldiers on weapons carrier during a parade, for reasons which escape me at the moment.
true i have a picture of my son as my wall paper
False, it's the mexico sunset from my honeymoon last October. Before that it was the shark from Strange Wilderness, Then it was my cat.

I have varying photos of landmarks
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  • What is the probable outcome suing for false arrest when your name makes the paper for indictment?

    I was asked by an officer in a restaurant if I was carring a handgun (someone must have overheard a conversation about me getting a license to carry) and I said I was carrying a licensed handgun. He told me I was under arrest for unlawful carrying on licensed premise (where alcohol is served). We walked past a sign in the restaurant on the way to the police car that said ';The unlicensed possession of a handgun is illegal'; meaning that a licensed handgun is perfectly legal. When I told him that he didn't listen and then asked if I was going to try to give him trouble, so I shut up and went to jail. Even though I had a lawyer the grand jury still indicted me because the ADA never believed it was legal either. The owner of the place where I was arrested called the DA's office and told them it was not illegal but they didn't believe him! Weird! They have since dismissed it but damage is done. What can I expect in terms of compensation in Texas? I am a self employed professional.What is the probable outcome suing for false arrest when your name makes the paper for indictment?
    if the officers arrested you in the normal police procedures there is nothing you can sue for.the law about carrying in a place that serves alcohol is not up to the manager.he does not have the choice to with that i see some holes in your story that makes it unbelievable.

    --------retired texas deputy sheriff--------What is the probable outcome suing for false arrest when your name makes the paper for indictment?
    No compensation! It is illegal to carry a handgun on premises where alcohol is served. Just because the sign said it was ok, doesn't make it true or the law. I don't believe that a grand jury was used for that offense either. A concealed permit doesn't give you the right to carry the gun anywhere you please. There are several places where it is illegal to carry a gun even with a permit. Just because a charge is dropped, doesn't mean that you were arrested falsely.
    I doubt it. You were arrested because the officer reasonably believed you comitted a crime. You were indicted by a grand jury based on the arrest and the ADA's preserntation of the case to the GJ. The mistake was fixed when the charges were dropped.

    Write a letter to the editor of the paper. Perhaps they will publish it and you will have your fair response published. But the public who read it may just think you are whining.

    But I have to ask: just what damage has been done to you?

    Water beads up on wax paper because its cohesive forces are greater than the adhesive forces... true or false?


    True or False: Marriage is just a good waste of paper and ink?

    Try a woman next time around, you can do it now in your home state!True or False: Marriage is just a good waste of paper and ink?
    Interesting.... a contradiction... a ';good';... ';waste';... hmmm.

    actually, marriage still has several good reasons to be around... on the spiritual level, it and the ceremony serve as a means of bonding... it is a commitment before family, friends and God. Marriage also serves as a legally binding union which emparts both rights, responsibilities and privileges.

    So a ';good waste of paper and ink?'; I don't think so... a good marriage is a great thing!!! making on so, is the hard part.True or False: Marriage is just a good waste of paper and ink?
    Wow. Marriage is one of the bricks in the foundation of our society. When it works we all benefit greatly and yes there are many problems but I fell they could be solved. Just think, we do not teach at all in the school how to have a good marriage. What if we did. Marriage can be a great institution. So it is not a waste of paper.
    True. Why do you need a piece of paper to tell you how to feel? All marriage does is put you into a different tax bracket. I dont think you need a ceremony, or ring, or paper or someone that says they work with/for god and god wants you to marry or you go to hell. Just be happy with each other and live good lives. That's true marriage.
    Neither. When you have two people that really want to work on their marriage and truely care for one another than it is not a waste. When you have 1 person who could care less what they do to their family than it is a waste. A waste of heart, feelings and genuine care for another human being.
    False...For me my marriage and husband mean everything to me.
    Whatever it means to you is right for is the ceremony of the hearts joining that could be down by a pond with just the two of you present....
    Wow - you are one bitter lonely cat herder.

    This is like your 19th man-hating question in 4 minutes.
    false.. for me its worth all the hard time we go through. we have a perfect family now.. thank God for this!

    Bible: true-false real-fake real-hoax. is bible really word of God or paper with ink.?

    what's the real truth?Bible: true-false real-fake real-hoax. is bible really word of God or paper with ink.?
    Jesus is the real Truth.

    ';Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life: ...';

    (John 14:6)Bible: true-false real-fake real-hoax. is bible really word of God or paper with ink.?
    ';All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.';

    (2 Tim. 3:16 NASB)

    All Scripture is God-breathed, given by His inspiration. The Word of God is not just a book or a compilation of man's thoughts or philosophy. God inspired holy men to write the scripture passages and He takes full responsibility for their validity.

    God's Word has been given for teaching and helping people, for correcting and guiding them. The Scriptures show us how to live. Maybe we should know them better.

    The Message Bible says: ';Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another鈥攕howing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way.';
    The Bible is the true Word of God. We can see this through science that is written in it, the test of time --- how it was never changed (See Dead Sea Scrolls for proof), and thousands of predictions that came or are coming true.

    For more information check out my sources before.
    The Bible has stood during the tests that people put on it from the beginning. Written by 44 men over the span of 1400+ years. No contradictions from beg. to end. The message is the same from beginning to end. God promised his Word to last forever. If it is true then there must be a true version alive today. Based on His promise, if we believe, we should be able to prove the correct Bible by its doctrine and symmetry of doctrine.
    Acts 12:24 But the WORD OF GOD continued to increase and spread.

    Luke 11:28 Blessed rather are those who hear the WORD OF GOD and obey it.

    2 Corinthians 2:17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the WORD OF GOD, for profit. On the contrary, in christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.

    1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God continually because when you received the WORD OF GOD, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the WORD OF GOD, which is at work in you who believe.

    The WORD OF GOD is TRUE and REAL.

    Blessings to you !!! In Christ, Me !!
    Have you read it? I will guess you haven't (and I mean the whole thing), because if you did, you'd know the answer. Why ask for other people's opinions? You'll get as many opinions as answers. You have a mind, so don't depend on something this important to other opinions. Read it and make your own.

    A dependable bible that is easy to read is The New Jerusalem Bible.
    is this hoax???

    please compare this parables

    [Quran --%26gt;Al-HASYR 59:21] Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect.

    is that verse proven? of course not.

    [Bible --%26gt;MATTEW 17:20]And He said to them, ';Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

    it's had happened in Mokattam Mountain - Egypt


    marcopolo confirm the story鈥?/a>

    Praise Jesus forever
    It's just a way for the Church to control people. It was written in the Middle Ages by the Church to keep everyone from leaving the Church when things got bad. And they could keep gathering tithes and making money.
    Some powerful men put together some stories so that they could control the common people easier.
    Men wrote what they believed.

    True or false Marriage is just a piece of paper??


    If a couple really loves eachother, then they do not need a piece of paper to clarify that.

    The only thing that, that piece of paper is good for is benefits and stuff of that nature...True or false Marriage is just a piece of paper??
    Way false!!!! If you got married for the right reasons (love, security, friendship, mutual life goals and ideals) than there is soooo much more to marriage than the license and tax benefits!True or false Marriage is just a piece of paper??

    I used to think that
    marriage is a religious ceremony with illegally granted federal benefits.

    its a corrupt system put in place by a government having incestuous relations with the church while saying it has separation.
    I say false, I think it's a declaration and celebration with and in front of all of the people you know and care about.
    TRUE. I think that marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. I have been living with my boyfriend for years now and it feels like we are married. We love each other so much, in our hearts we are married, and don't need that silly piece of paper.
    False, it's more than just a piece of paper. Marriage is a unity with that 1 special person, it's a devine committment to another person who makes you whole and above all being marriage is a true richness of life.

    Edit: Beth, 3 down took the words right out of my mouth. I've been living with my boyfriend for eight years and in our hearts we are married. We do everything married couples do. We have a monogamous commitment. He's my true love and I'm his. We are living proof that marriage is just a piece of paper.

    Marriage is a commitment and a bond between a couple....:)

    love! :)
    I think it depends on how the couple is.
    Marriage is what you make of it.
    False. Your children will be legitimate (although most people don't seem to care about that any more.) You can be put on your husband's insurance. And after a month or two, you can see the REAL person that you married.
    well its an exspensive bit of paper lol
    False. If you believe that please do not get married.
    depends on the people.
    Well some of us have the luck to be false(like me) but some have the bad luck to be true... *sigh*
    False, its a piece of paper with legal signatures on it.
    true,because if you really do love,care,and respect a person that's all you need and weather you have a piece of paper saying that it is OK to do this it should not matter if you have that paper or not.
    definitley FALSE . marriage is a sign of true love!!! arranged marriage wthout love is wrong!!!
    false, it's so much more than that!!
    My wife and I have been together 28 years, we both feel it just a piece of paper. What's really important is the relationship behind that piece of paper.

    In the eyes of the state marriage is a contract and society does provide some real benefits to married couples. (so it a piece of paper with benefits)

    You and your spouse have a great deal of freedom to customize a marriage as long as you both agree. That's usually the big problem in marriage, you have two individuals fighting for control, ignorant about their partner and pumped up on a load of unreal expectations.

    Like any contract, civil, holy or personal -its strength is based on knowledge and good faith. Any contract that lacks either is destine to failure.
    False. Boiling down marriage as ';just a piece of paper'; is usually advantageous for a person phrasing it that way...........
    This day and age-True

    History paper question, Aqueducts and sewers were essential in helping Roman cities grow. True? False?


    it help flow clean water into the city and dirty water into a seperaqte areaHistory paper question, Aqueducts and sewers were essential in helping Roman cities grow. True? False?
    False!! Who needs clean water!!

    Lol, the answer is true, of course.History paper question, Aqueducts and sewers were essential in helping Roman cities grow. True? False?
    true duh....
    darn right they were.
  • windows web hosting
  • If creationism is false, then why has NO scientific paper ever disputed it?!?

    It's simply a fact that there has never been a peer-reviewed, scientific publication that has disputed or argued against any creationist claim. Doesn't that prove that creationism is scientific?If creationism is false, then why has NO scientific paper ever disputed it?!?
    It's simply a fact that there has never been a peer-reviewed, scientific publication that has argued for any creationist claim. Doesn't that prove that creationism is unscientific?If creationism is false, then why has NO scientific paper ever disputed it?!?
    You need to get to more libraries, methinks. Bible as scientific publication = non sequitur. There’s so many good scientific ones out there that your comment is a slight on all science - it's akin to me calling Darwin’s “Origins” a more important *religious work* than the Bible. Do you see that?

    Report Abuse

    The Bible is only one of many religious books written by humans. The fact that believers need a ';scientific prove'; for their content, is merely an indication of the weakness in their faith.

    Report Abuse

    No one serious scientist can argue with a myth that claims, against every evidence, that the world was created when the Jews start counting the time.

    Report Abuse

    there has never been a peer-reviewed, scientific publication that has disputed or argued against the existence of dragons either...
    No. Scientists have better things to write papers on. Like stuff they can collect real, tangible evidence for.

    I looked up the scientific method on the Internet for you:

    Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena and acquiring new knowledge, as well as for correcting and integrating previous knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence, subject to specific principles of reasoning.
    No. It just proves that science doesn't have a problem with religion. No one is trying to disprove your god. It's the religious fanatics who put that in peoples head.
    Really? Now I see why the United States is declining when someone would ask such as stupid red herring question. CREATIONISM IS NONSENSE GET OVER IT!!!

    Creationism has been shown for the fraud it is over and over again.

    The United States National Academy of Sciences has stated ';the claims of creation science lack empirical support and cannot be meaningfully tested. These observations lead to two fundamental conclusions: the teaching of evolution should be an integral part of science instruction, and creation science is in fact not science and should not be presented as such in science classes.';[4] and ';Creationism, intelligent design, and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not science because they are not testable by the methods of science.';[5] It is viewed as a pseudoscience that does not conform to the scientific method; there are admissions by its proponents that the means of creation cannot be proven.[6] Creation science literature generally consists of compilations of alleged weaknesses in current models of evolution and geology.';
    ';If creationism is false, then why has NO scientific paper ever disputed it?!?';

    Because it is not worth the time of any credible scientist. It's just not a valid theory worth discussing.
    Oh stop it. Nobody's THIS stupid.
    Because any scientist with the brains of a gnat knows that it useless, and speaking against it in a professional journal would be a complete waste of time. If you want to argue that creationism is scientific, show some effect that it predicts which can be tested by some means. Which would be a challenge, since it can be proven that creationism can predict nothing. You cannot bake a cake if one of the recipe steps is ';Then a miracle happens!';. By the way, evolution is now a proven fact (details on request).
    I don't know.... maybe science has better things to do, like finding cures for aids, cancer, leukemia... maybe science is more concerned with prolonging human life rather than the origins of it.

    And, no, it doesn't prove that something claimed in a book is scientific. Creationism is just that - something someone claimed. In a book.
    No-one needs to argue against creationism; the onus is upon Creationists to prove their position, not the other way around.

    ';Creationism'; is based on a religious story. It presumes there is a particular god who created the world.. coming to the answer before asking the particular question. The Biblical story of creation is as valid as any of the other thousands of creation stories.
    Because it's not falsifiable, which is why it's not a scientific theory in the first place, which is why it has no place in scientific publications.
    wait for it

    wait for it

    wait for it

    almost there


    ahhh.... Great question.
    ............why even bother anymore?(rolls eyes) *sigh*
    There has never been a Creationist claim that had sufficient merit to be tested. It is not scientific because it cannot be tested by predictions it makes.
    Creationism is unscientific because it posits a being whose one-time or continued action cannot be reproduced, observed or measured. Science is mostly concerned with observable, measurable or reproducible phenomena which are capable of rational explanation. This is why scientists do not usually bother with ghosts, magic, ESP or ';alien abduction';. None of them are reproducible.

    And here's a question for creationists, ';What/who created the creator?'; And who or what created that creator?

    Your contention that there has never been a scientific paper disputing creationism is probably erroneous. Creationists do not read the scientific literature, by and large, so they would probably not know. Millions of papers have been published since the 17th century. No-one can read them all.

    Someone in a recent court case had to admit he had not read some immunology papers which had been advanced as evidence.

    Many scientific papers implicity (but not explicitly) deny some aspects of creationism. However, whether there have been explicit papers or not, scientists from disciplines as diverse as biology and geology have written books disputing the validity of creationism or the truthfulness of several prominent creationists. I cite ';Telling Lies for God'; by geologist Professor Ian Plimer and ';The God Delusion'; by biologist Professor Richard Dawkins.

    As far as scientific papers are concerned, scientists have better things to do with their time than to bandy words with what they see as a silly or moronic religious minority. And as a DNA and genetics expert said recently, creationists go for soft targets like school boards and school teachers, not practicing scientists. Practicing scientists generally are too difficult for creationists because they are able to expose the whole mass of error, misinformation and straight out lies that creationism is.
    No - not in the least. Creationism is based on a book that could well have been a work of collective fiction during its time and instead has been misunderstood and misused as fact.

    The idea of having to teach this so called ';theory'; has been discussed in many scholarly and scientific publications, however.
    I am sure there are scientific papers out there disputing creationism. Check out wikipedia's take:

    The claim that Creation science is a valid science is disputed. The worldwide scientific community overwhelmingly supports the position that creation science is not a valid science. The United States National Academy of Sciences has stated ';the claims of creation science lack empirical support and cannot be meaningfully tested. These observations lead to two fundamental conclusions: the teaching of evolution should be an integral part of science instruction, and creation science is in fact not science and should not be presented as such in science classes.';[4] and ';Creationism, intelligent design, and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life or of species are not science because they are not testable by the methods of science.';[5] It is viewed as a pseudoscience that does not conform to the scientific method; there are admissions by its proponents that the means of creation cannot be proven.[6] Creation science literature generally consists of compilations of alleged weaknesses in current models of evolution and geology.[

    I am a creationist. I'd like to think I'm rational and intelligent. My way of ACCEPTING creationism is this: I consider the Bible to be the word of God, and therefore infallible. I consider scientific ';papers'; and ';theories'; to be the work of mankind, and therefore quite fallible. So there.
    Like mentioned by most people, creationism is not a scientific theory thus not for science to talk about. If you want to read theories on the existence of god, which it what creationism relies on, then check of philosophy. There are many philosophical publications on the subject for both the existence of god and the nonexistence of god.

    One thing to watch out for with philosophy is that some people love it and others hate it. There is valid reasons for the feeling on both sides, so if someone doesn't like philosophy, I recommend not trying to force them into a debate.
    Many have tried to dispel what, for the sake of argument, I will call the ';theory of creationism.'; It is disputed, much like evolution. But if creation could be ';proved'; by human standards, faith would be without effect. For scientific theory to become a law, it has to be tested in a controlled environment. That can't be done with evolution or creation. BTW, I'm a creationist.
    I dont belive in creationism....but damn Science dosnt kno ******* everything. Einstein said it best 'religoin without science is blind, and science witout religion is lame' Why dosnt science explain why the universe decided to appear one day somehow from 'nothingness'. So it was the big bang....but was does that really what caused it to happen? I was once spiritually blind until I experimented with certain entheogenic substances. I see the concept of 'god' as very abstract...anywho I dont think there is a need for a creator....I tend to think time is really an illusion. Can there really be a beginng to everything??

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Wet Paper Myth-True or False?

    Speaking from a scientific perspective, is it true that if you get a liquid(particularly water)on paper, is the paper always going to curl?Wet Paper Myth-True or False?
    ';paper'; is a very generic term for a flat sheet made out of any number of bonded of fibers. the type of fibers would depend on the curl. the paper money is printed on doesn't curl. don't know if there are experiments on what paper stays flat and what paper curls.Wet Paper Myth-True or False?
    Unless you treat the paper carefully, liquid will disrupt the paper fiber mat and lead to some type of distortion.

    Poll:- True or False:- You Did buy a Paper Today ?

    JoPoll:- True or False:- You Did buy a Paper Today ?
    True:)Poll:- True or False:- You Did buy a Paper Today ?
    i hope never to buy one again have not paid for a paper in over 25 years news does not interest me
    False it comes delivered
    Hi true 3 Hugs
    true - everyday

    Not yet but planning to
    No I didn't buy paper today

    I have enough of it.
    Brought 3 jo...The Sun, The Mirror and the Local Paper !
    False :)!
    False :)
    False I don't buy papers or watch the news too much depressing stuff going on in the world.

    My HP printer keeps giving a false reading that it is out of paper .?

    How do I stop this ? Sometimes just pushing ';OK'; does it -but then it stops after each page and says to refill .My HP printer keeps giving a false reading that it is out of paper .?
    Please let me know the model number of your printer,

    First try,

    Click ';Start'; button on left side of the Desktop to popup Start menu, Click ';Run'; in Start menu to open Run window. Type the word ';SERVICES.MSC'; (without quotes) in ';Open :'; box, click ok button or press Enter key on the keyboard. A Window will pop up with so many Services listed. Find ';PRINT SPOOLER'; service from the list of services. right-click on ';PRINT SPOOLER';---%26gt;';restart';

    If this doesnt work.... Click on the following link to open a webpage with title ';HP Photosmart, All-in-One, Deskjet, and PSC Printers - 'Out of Paper' Error Message and the Printer Does Not Pick Up or Feed Paper';鈥?/a>My HP printer keeps giving a false reading that it is out of paper .?
    bay new one
    this is actually a tray problem. please try communicating with hp engineers on online chat.
    probably the sensor that detects the paper in the tray is bad or you can try and resetting the printer back to factory settings. this usually involves a pin or a needle to push in the switch while powering back on the unit. you could always call HP, they have great service.
    sounds like it need a bloody good clean out of paper dust-the tiny fibres of paper that you get usually more so off of cheap printer paper. try blowing out the dust but be carefull not to blow it further into the printer
    there's a small sensor for every consumable that a printer uses, including paper. look for the sensor that actuates inside the paper tray when nothing is there. make sure that it is mounted properly and functions normally. most sensors like this are a small plastic arm that comes down on top of the paper. make sure there are no obstructions and try flipping it a couple times while the printer is on and see if the printer detects this.
    make sure the paper is inserted properly. make sure everything else on the printer is working properly.
    my paper keeps disapearing and no one will fess up.
    Actually, I had this problem myself. Try unistalling the software, reboot a couple of times, and then reinstall the software.
    I guess u do not have any error msg on the printer as such....


    1)Go to control panel --%26gt;%26gt; Printers and Faxes

    2)Delete the Icon For u'r Printer

    3)Unplug the USB cable ...

    4)insert the Printer Disc..

    5)When the installation window pops up ,select ';ADD A DEVICE';

    Follow the on screen insrtuction....Complete Installation

    It Works .....Try It
    I would suggest opening the associated application. Normally printers come with a management application that will allow you to see what's goin on with your printer and to do diagnostics. Although it's a bit far fetched, considering ur problem, make sure that ur ink cartridges are calibrated. That is something that should be in the management application as well.

    Is Paper Ceiling Cat a false idol?

    Or is it okay to let him in my ceiling? He doesn't bother my kitties.Is Paper Ceiling Cat a false idol?
    No, he is an Idol just in paper form. He wont bother you, its just like having a little cross with Jesus Christ on it.

    Response to qxzqxzqxz -

    Of course ceiling cat made me, who do you think made me, some guy that sits at a computer all day?

    Response to VT in an AM handbasket ™

    For your information, I don't like cheeseburgers. I love hamburgers.Is Paper Ceiling Cat a false idol?
    Where as I, Ninja Ceiling Cat represent the vengeful part of CC, Paper CC represents his creative flair. (And what a creative flair he has, just look at us!)

    Paper Ceiling Cat is bad. srsly. He eetz ur cheezburgr. Only get one original Ceiling Cat

    only if you make it a false idol...
    There's a stain on my ceiling.

    I named it Spot.
    Maybe...what is it for?
    Hmm... There is a wad of mashed up paper that has been stuck on my ceiling for the past eight years. =\ I wonder...
    If the ceiling cat created everything, wouldn't he have also created the paper ceiling cat?
    My question is is paper ceiling cat the same cat as ceiling cat?

    HP4550DN - Paper Jam Middle Draw - false message. Help?

    I have a networked Hewlett Packard HP4550DN printer. It keeps reporting a paper jam in the middle drawer. I have examined it and found no paper. I have vacuumed up any toner in case that is the cause. I have also inspected the fuser area around the back. No trace of paper.

    Does anyone have a clue as to what I can check next or what might be causing the errors? I have been in contact with HP but the matter continues.HP4550DN - Paper Jam Middle Draw - false message. Help?
    Most HP printer will give a ';Paper Jam'; error for a drawer if the printer is unable to pick the paper up and feed it. (I know - should say something like ';Can't feed'; - not ';paper jam';, but I don't write the error message) :-P

    Usual cause of that is that one (or more) of the pick up rollers has worn down and needs to be replaced. I don't have any of the 4550 a this site (4500, but no 4550), so I can't tell you the exact location of the roller, but it is usually about 3/4'; in diameter and about 1 1/2'; to 2'; long. Slides over a pin in the body of the printer above the paper tray.

    If you have multiple trays, there is probably an identical roller above each of the trays. You might try seeing if you can swap the roller with one from another tray. If the error moves with the roller, you have found the problem.

    I have also seen ';cheap paper'; cause the problem. As it sounds like that has been on-going, the paper in the tray has probably been replaced or replenished - but it can't hurt to suggest replacing it.

    Best guesses I have...

    Good luckHP4550DN - Paper Jam Middle Draw - false message. Help?
    Hi there!!

    I have had some similar problems here at work with our 4500n printer. I had to call for a service man.. The problem was some parts inside our printer that was worn out..
    There may be a small piece of paper stuck somewhere in the paper path. There may also be a buildup of toner and paper dust somewhere. These printers need to be cleaned once in a while by taking them apart. We used Technology Unlimited in Seattle and they did a great job. Good luck!
    The sensor that detects the paper jam is probably defective, and might need replacing. This is a common problem. You should probably call for a repair person to take a look at it.
    it might not help but try the other drawers as well and try to look if there is another way to open the printer to find jammed paper (in your hp help on your comp-there should be help on how to release jammed paper on mine there was a back openning i didn't know about and there it was)
    I get the paper jam message now and then. Often it is because the paper in my input tray is not feeding properly for some reason, or I forgot to load it.
  • windows web hosting
  • If a news paper prints your name on an add paid by someone else and its a false statement..what can I do?

    See a lawyer and sue them

    True or False: You played with paper-dolls?

    If True, share your experience please.True or False: You played with paper-dolls?
    Sure did, but I've moved on up with the plastic blow-up kind now.True or False: You played with paper-dolls?
    Thanks, but I wish they could invent one that loves back.

    Report Abuse

    Paper, no... Inflatable.. not telling.
    True, I used to have The Little Mermaid paperdoll set as a kid and some Japanese paper doll.

    I played with other's paper doll's as well and a younger cousin of mine has a magnetic doll which I play with whenever I'm at her house lol.
    absolutely true we were to poor to afford the real thing
    True! When I was a girl in the 70s. I loved them. But sometimes the paper tabs would rip and the clothes wouldn't stay on well.
    true... i loved them as a child. i remember my grandmother used to send them to me and i would cut them out and the clothes and play with them until they fell apart..... good memories ..
    true. where im from my parents couldnt afford to buy real dolls so i made mines from paper
    True... I played with paper dolls, the little tabs that held the clothes in place worked fine the first few times you used them, but over time they wore out. It then seems to me that they developed a type that was plastic of sorts and the static would cause the clothes to stick. I loved changing out outfits, hair styles, and shoes.. you could get lost in your own little world, and the best thing, they didn't take up much space! You could carry them with you on road trips... Worked well since I'd get motion sickness if I tried to read...
    True I use to play with them with my sister when we were kids. Until dad saw me playing with them with her. And he said boys do not play with dolls. When he wasn't around me and my sister continued doing it though.
    True! I used to love those things. Had such an imagination lol all my paper dolls had such exciting lives lol, i think they were like movie stars and stuff and the guy paper dolls were like the annoying big brothers lol. :D I really liked playing with paper dolls when i was young, i remember enjoying the clothing line the most, so i was always interested in being a fashion designer from a really young age, but i never got into in the end after heh. :)
    true! i loved to put all the different paper clothes on them, and different hair styles.

    A piece of paper burns faster than pieces of shredded paper. True or False? Chemistry question..?


    The smaller the particle size the faster a reaction will be.A piece of paper burns faster than pieces of shredded paper. True or False? Chemistry question..?
    False, because a piece of paper has a smaller surface area than the same paper in shredded form, and the smaller the surface area of a substance, the slower it reacts. (in this case the reaction is combustion/burning.)

    Is the Bible true or false real or real real or hoax. just because it is on paper. is it true or false.?

    God created the heavens and the earth.

    Replaced the world God with Superman, Batman Spider-man

    Superman created the world

    Batman created the world

    Spiderman created the world.

    Bible: true or false.

    Bible: real or hoax

    Bible: real or fake.

    Bible: real or nice literature.Is the Bible true or false real or real real or hoax. just because it is on paper. is it true or false.?
    Many people believe that the Bible is nothing more than a mere book of collaborated stories written by man. However, there are so many details in the Bible that point to the scriptures being accurate and true.

    (Although the Bible was written by man, 2 Timothy 3:16 says that it ';is inspired of God';, and 2 Peter 1:21 says that ';Men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.';)

    Consider these:

    1.) Although the books were written at different times within a 1,600 year span by many different writers with various different background, the Bible is harmonious from beginning to end with the first book showing how mankind's problems began and the last book showing how the Earth will be a paradise. All the material relating in someway to the unfolding of God's purpose.

    2.) The Bible is scientifically accurate. The book of Leviticus contains laws on quarantine and hygiene when surrounding nations knew nothing if it, and the Bible recognized that the Earth was a sphere (Isaiah 40:22) and hangs on nothing (Job 26:7) at a time when people had wrong ideas on what the shape of the Earth was.

    3.) The Bible contains numerous prophecies, many of which have already been fulfilled. For example, it not only foretold the fall of Babylon some 200 years before it happened, but it also provided details as to how it would happen, even pinpointing the king who would do it (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22, 23; 44:27-45:2).

    Also, Daniel's prophecy foretold a succession of world empires that would come into power after Babylon. These included Medo-Persia and Greece. (Daniel 8:5-7, 20-22)

    4.) On my personal note, think of this too. The Bible is a book from centuries past that has not only been preserved in whole up to this day, but has been distributed everywhere in the hands of so many people to reach and read. How is that possible when so many other books of the same age have perished? Wouldn't a book with that much credit have divine backing?Is the Bible true or false real or real real or hoax. just because it is on paper. is it true or false.?
    I don't dismiss the theory of God but I do dismiss most of the Bible and Christianity. They work against science - anything opposing reality or trying to find loopholes around it just isn't it.

    As far as I'm concerned no religion has it right - but as my profile says: ';The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about';.
    Most of it was meant as a teaching story, to instil a way for people to live together in larger groups without killing each other. And a form of history written down as a way for a particular group of people to keep memory of their heritage. (All the Old Testament basically).

    But the bible has been significantly changed over time, especially in the middle ages when copies were altered at the whim of the kings. The King James bible differed significantly with what it held, compared to the copies previous, for instance. Large chunks and significant paragraphs were taken out. That was where the 'shall not suffer a witch to live' came in, the passage was originally about people who poisoned village wells, NOT witches!. Compare it side by side with other bibles, you'll see omissions, deletions, etc. in all of them. They're not word for word alike.
    FALSE why do u want to belive in a book that has been RE WROTE numerous times holly its been changed so many times differnt people re writing it and re writing it the only book that hasnt been re written is the holly QURAN
    Well, God gave you free will and if all you want to do with the Bible is play mad libbs then I suppose you'll find a way to pull that off.

    If you want to be righteous, set your eyes on a standard of perfection and have eternal life, there is a God for that and that book explains who he is.
    The bible is real since you can touch it but everything after that is far off my comprehension and left for the religious people :]
    the bible is the bestselling fiction book on the planet for more than 1000 years

    many hypothesises in the bible directly contradicts itself
    RHEMA, you can get a RHEMA from God, god teaches you from his word, he could not do this if it was not his WORD.
    Its true. I have seen Jesus name do wonders.
    some things are close to true, but all the statements have been modified so its all fake... I don't know why so many people believe in something just because a couple of monks say so!
    Read it and find out!
    the bible is a nice story.
    It is True.
    The Bible is the best thats within us it shows how much we care about Jesus. PRAISE THE LORD
  • windows web hosting
  • True or false It's okay to use an author's idea in your paper without citing the source?

    It's okay to use an author's idea in your paper without citing the source.

    true or falseTrue or false It's okay to use an author's idea in your paper without citing the source?
    not ok.

    it's plagiarism.

    ^makes it supereasy to do a bibliography.True or false It's okay to use an author's idea in your paper without citing the source?
    false, if you use their ideas without citing the source it's plagiarism and likely to get you kicked out of school or work.
    False - at least paraphrase
    True if it is universal idea “murdering people is bad” quite obviously this is not an original thought by the author. However, if it is an original thought you must give it credit.
    False its illegal to do that
    false. It's called plagerism.

    The only time is when it is general knowledge, such as ';the sky is blue';
    False,because it can get you in big trouble without giving any credit to the author.

    The False Value of Paper Money?

    Can anyone explained about this subject...example or details would be great...The False Value of Paper Money?
    The Value of Paper Money is only as good as the promise of the government of it's value.

    It is truly worthless it is paper with ink on it.

    There is no gold or anything of any value connected to it.The False Value of Paper Money?
    If you think there is anything false about its value, you do not understand the nature of value. Paper money has value for exactly the same reason that good, silver, or diamonds have value. Nothing has any ';inherent'; value. Everything has value because and only because there is human demand for it and a constrained supply of it.

    The value of fiat currency is just as legitimate as the value of gold ... the only difference is currency is vastly more useful and tradeable and gold is pretty useless to most people.
    Gold has value b/c you can use it for decoration or in electronics, but also because if you have gold, you can easily trade it for goods that you need, i.e. it is an accepted means of payment.

    Paper money has value only b/c other people accept it as payment.

    There is a risk that money will lose value if most people do not want it anymore (this is called hyperinflation).

    But using gold is not an option since the amount of business transactions is a lot larger than all the gold in the world.
    the great thing about fiat money, is that when the value of precious metals change it doesn't jerk your whole economy around like a kite in a thunderstorm.

    And really, what would be the benefit of tying it to gold? If the economy collapsed, and you were able to get gold for your dollars, what would you do with it, eat it? Learn how to be a goldsmith and make jewelry out of it? Or just discover that it's basically a yellow rock, no more or less useful than any other yellow rock.

    True or False : Clothes should be like paper towels, you throw them away then buy new ones.?

    How many clothes un your closet, do you actually wear?True or False : Clothes should be like paper towels, you throw them away then buy new ones.?
    True - particularly the low end items that look used up after a few washes. The exception is when you purchase an ';investment piece';. These are usually well made, of a classic style, and typically a bit pricier.True or False : Clothes should be like paper towels, you throw them away then buy new ones.?
    I probably have more in my closet that I don't wear. If they were made to only wear once, I certainlly hope they would be cheaper. At least you wouldn't have to do laundry that way. :~)
    If they are cute give them to me!
    Maybe if you're a Celebrity who can't be caught dead in the same outfit twice, or rich enough to afford new clothes all the time. But if you get bored easily and you can afford to buy new clothes whenever you get tired of the ones you have, then knock yourself out. But instead of throwing your clothes away, donate them to Goodwill or sell them on E-Bay. Just because you don't like them anymore, it doesn't mean no one else would. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
    i have alot of clothes, but i keep my clothes for at least a year or 2. then i can buy a couple new pieces and just make new outfits. My sister will buy $1000 in clothes and only wear half of the clothes. she has 27 pairs of jeans that are brand new or close to, and she only wears 10. she does the same things with shirts and shoes. i think people like that are just stuck up and materialistic. im not going to lie, i love clothes and such , but i dont take it to an extreme. Its kinda selfish when we have a massive surplus of clothing when there are people in America that hardly have anything to eat, let alone the perfect Juicy Corture outfit. people like that should donate the clothes that they will never wear to goodwill stores, like the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
    sometimes, i wear about 1/2 of it
    no because sometimes i really liek shirt that i buy and after a while i cannot find it anywhere and i love themm %26lt;3.

    and i love my clothes

    well its true that i dont wear all my clothes in my closet, but the ones i do, i love and wouldnt want to throw them out justtt yettt.:)
    False. I have some things I don't wear all that often, but I don't throw things away. If I haven't worn an item in a year, I donate it to charity or sell it on eBay. Throwing clothes away is wasteful. Someone else can always use them, even if you can't.
    You should not throw those clothes away! What about the less foturnate people who cannt afford new clothes!

    I have two walk in closets because I don't throw away clothes, especially when they're good quality... the only time I GIVE clothes away is if I KNOW I won't wear them again, and I send them to third world countries for the women there to enjoy, because clothes are a luxury in some places and no one should ever ';throw clothes away'; when so many people are in need.

    (especially baby clothes left over from your kids and nieces and nephews, everyone should donate when baby has outgrown because so many new babies in rural parts of India, Eastern Europe like Romania, and African countries could do with them)
    I find that thought to be too wasteful in a world where many have nothing.

    Xerox workcentre pro paper jam false?


    We had the same problem at the office. The best way is to clean the xerox machine, to eliminate that dryed ink that remains in the xerox machine. That is the best way to avoid any other problems.

    Sunday ad shows massage chair $200 cheaper than advertised in paper? False advertising????! what do u think!!

    I have been looking for a massage chair for quite some time now. So much so, that i know the model numbers by heart.

    I found the chair i want listed in an ad from an electronic/furniture store. The picture that is shown is the Ijoy300. I go into the store and ask them to honor the price and he quickly writes something down on the price tag and says that the price is wrong, but there was no retraction on the ad nor anything on the tag at the time i came in saying i wanted that one.

    They are trying to cover thier mistake by saying there is no model number listed on the ad and i should not go by the illustrations. They only show model numbers for electronics they said.

    Here is what i believe i have on them

    1) it is an electronic. (its a massage chair!!)

    2) bait and switch scheme (get me into the store for that chair and now i gotta pay $200 for the one they have advertised)

    3) the floor salesman said i was arguing a mute point...then why the need to file for a retraction for that ad?wierdSunday ad shows massage chair $200 cheaper than advertised in paper? False advertising????! what do u think!!
    btw, it's ';moot'; point, not ';mute'; point. A point cannot be silent.

    Most advertisements will contain bylines (little tiny print) stating that they are not responsible for printing errors. Even if its not a printing error, technically, they can always claim this if the price is correct in the store. The BBB could look into it, and possibly fine the business, but even in that case, the business is not required to give it to you for the lesser price. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like you're going to have to pay the $200 more if you want the chair.Sunday ad shows massage chair $200 cheaper than advertised in paper? False advertising????! what do u think!!
    notfy better business bureau and file a compaint,

    you have sales ad from paper also conversation with clerk.

    notify store manager first-ask for an appointment.

    then proceed if store manager don't agree to price listed in paper.
    Unless you've recorded the ad you're fighting a loosing battle, give up, suck it up and move on or pay the asking price. There's not much proof in hearsay, sorry.
    don't let them boss u around and make u look stupid.

    fight 4 ur rights!!!
    I would report it.
    If it is a corporate owned store I would call them and I'm sure they will fix it for you. If they don't call the better business burough (sp?) They are not allowed to do that they can receive a very big fine for it.

    HP 8250 Printer False Paper Jam Error?

    My printer keeps coming up with an alarm say ';printer jam'; even though there's no such thing...any ideas?

    Paper type is HP Premium Photo.

    I fiddle with the buttons, pull the power chord, get one print, then the alarm comes back...

    ThanksHP 8250 Printer False Paper Jam Error?
    In the back there should be a removable compartment. Try taking it off and see if there is any paper jammed in there.

    EHP 8250 Printer False Paper Jam Error?
    You'll also get paper jam if the rollers cannot ';pick up'; the paper and pull it into the printer.
  • windows web hosting
  • Write a paper on ';False vs Real Science';. Pick a topic as ';real'; and a related topic as ';false'; any ideas?

    Tell how each does or does not follow the scientific method. Why is one ';real'; and one ';false';. I need a really good grade. Need some ideas that will stand out.Write a paper on ';False vs Real Science';. Pick a topic as ';real'; and a related topic as ';false'; any ideas?
    Real Science: Evolution. Proven by testing, research, reason, and logic.

    False Science: Creationism. Proven by a book, written thousands of years ago, that says so.Write a paper on ';False vs Real Science';. Pick a topic as ';real'; and a related topic as ';false'; any ideas?
    Real Science: Evolution

    False : ';intelligent design';

    Real Science: The development of consciousness through experiential learning.

    False: The belief that we all have given our personalities and intelligence through ';gifts of God';

    Real Science: Medical science and practice

    False: Chiropractice

    Real Science: The tested and known fact that schizophrenia and depression are biological illnesses

    False: The idea that mental illness comes from personal defects of character or ';demons'; possessing the mind.

    Real Science: The big bang theory

    False: The book of Genesis

    In short:

    The Scientific Method: Any idea or theory supported by scientifically controlled, recorded and repeatedly conducted clinical trial methods, research and testing.

    The Other: Ideas, notions or ';theories'; that rely on testimonials (personal experience stories) that cannot be proven (can't go back in time), that rely on untestable circumstances, possible circumstantial connections portrayed as ';evidence'; and most importantly, relying on people's personal ';belief'; of something existing, without demand for repeated proofs to show that something, or some occurrence existed in real space and time.

    Non-controlled studies (look up scientific controls in research), poorly documented studies, studies that are not repeatedly (to prove their veracity over repeatedly trials), or studies that don't exist are red flags for theories or ideas that rely mostly on people's willingness to accept a notion or theory without sufficient proof.

    This is usually done by pulling on people's personal credibility (don't you believe?) or intelligence, their ';faith'; in God that is supported by fear of retribution for questioning or non-faith.

    In quack medicine, the use of highly technical jargon, poor proofs, reliance on people's ignorance and willingness and desire to believe are big factors in its spread.

    My HP Deskjet F4280 has a false paper jam.?

    I've done everything, opened the back and removed the paper, same with the front. I'm pressing the reset button and it just makes the same noise and blinks the reset light. Literally going insane cause i just bought this and installed this into my laptop.My HP Deskjet F4280 has a false paper jam.?
    is all the paper out and then just close the lid and everythin turn it back on and see if that works i hate paper jam but for me it doesnt get that bad

    Wts the probability of getting a perfect paper from a test of 6 true and false questions?

    help pls!!!! i jut need to know the steps to how to solve it so i know how to solve another one when i see it XD ty!!Wts the probability of getting a perfect paper from a test of 6 true and false questions?
    Assuming one did not study and answered randomly, there is a 1 in 2 chance of any answer to be correct, and since there are 6 questions, it is 2*2*2*2*2*2, or 2^6, or one chance out of 64.Wts the probability of getting a perfect paper from a test of 6 true and false questions?
    now here the key is to divide the paper into six questions

    for each question the probability of answering it correct is 1/2

    so for answering all six questions correct you will have to multiply the probability of getting each question correct that is

    (1/2)^6 = 1/64

    thats your answer

    bird you got that wrong first of all you have to multiply 1/2 to itself 6 times not (1/2)*6...........even if you do ur way (1/2)*6=3 not 1/12.......and the probability cannot be greater than one
    50% to the power of six.

    50% = 50/100 = 1/2

    1/2 to the power of six is 1/64.
    1 in 12. 1 in 2 for true and false, x 6 for each prob

    My ex just recently filed contempt papers against me and it is all false, what will happen at court?

    I had just filed papers to get custody of my children as they are in danger and her household is completely unstable. She has had the kids living with me since June this year and I believe the only reason she did this was because she was mad about me filing papers for custody. What can i expect to happen at court, and I have everything documented (like the times she's called and all the times she asked me to keep the kids longer due to her being sick, ect), So if she filed a false contempt will the judge be able to figure that out, and can i expect for this to just blow over?My ex just recently filed contempt papers against me and it is all false, what will happen at court?
    Somebody is mad because they may lose their meal ticket because they can't take care of their children...

    Usually, visitation is, as you said, by mutual agreement and in the event that there is no agreement the scheduled visitation order comes in to play. Court will be a ';he said, she said'; situation and the judge will do what he deems to be in the best interest of the children. You'll have a chance to have your say and so will she. The judge may even want to speak with the children.

    It is always advisable to keep a detailed log of issues of visitation. When, what, why, and for how long there are deviations from the standard order. If visitation is denied, you should call the police and file a report. The police won't actually do anything about it but you'll at least have documentation that visitation is not being complied with.

    You're right...if you having the kids was a problem for her, all she would have to have done was go to the school and pick up the kids. As far as her having a friend/neighbor serve you with process (if that's even what it was...), I don't know what state you live in but not just anybody can serve court communications. There has been a long history of fathers not having the parity in the courts that mothers have always enjoyed but that is changing. Good luckMy ex just recently filed contempt papers against me and it is all false, what will happen at court?
    From what I understand about contempt of court.Only the judge can do this.If you weren't paying your child support for the time the children were with you.She might have spoken to the public aid office about it %26amp; they decided to bring you back to court.This is just a guess off the little info you provided.
    Most judges are not stupid. And as being the son of a family that went to court for years, I found that out.

    The judge will hear you both out, will check what documentation you have.

    Is it papers only YOU wrote ?Do you have third party confirmation ?

    Copies of the phone bills that show dates and times of the calls to back you up ?

    Written certified documentation as in witness statements made at a police station from neighbors as to her situation ?

    If she says you were in contempt, contempt of what ?

    You did not mention any previous court orders.

    If you broke a Court Order that is one thing.

    If she just holds you contemptible of her, so what? I hold my Mayor as a contemptible person and that is allowed under the Constitution.
    write everything down in a concise summary at the beginning .then write everything down in detail in date or some sort of order %26amp; make copies of all your documentation and submit it the time allotted to respond. Use facts not accusations focus on whats best for the kids there health, stability safety %26amp; education. Your feelings about your ex don't matter Don't bring your feel.s or why they are your ex into the custody unless it was something that might harm your children. ONLY WHATS BEST FOR THE KIDS. the judge's don't listen they read what you have wrote.

    good luck

    The internet is your best source of information for an academic paper. True or false?

    The internet is your best source of information for an academic paper.

    a. True

    b. false

    It is a good idea to use Newsweek or Time magazine as evidentiary sources in academic paper.

    a. True

    b. False

    Which of these is a logical fallacy?

    a. A paradox

    b. logos

    c. ad hominem

    d. Gender-baised languageThe internet is your best source of information for an academic paper. True or false?



    The best source for research for academic papers are scholarly journals that you will find in the stacks at your library. These are highly credible sources as they are heavily reviewed by peers in the area of expertise and not easy to be published in. Anyone can put anything on the internet. However the internet can be a good tool for finding journals that are credible sources.

    Part 2: False Newspapers can be biased. They can be used as evidence to some degree but only if backed by credible research.

    Part 3: A Just hit



    http://toadrun.comThe internet is your best source of information for an academic paper. True or false?
    1. b.

    2. a.

    3. c.

    How did I do?

    Divorce...If legal divorce papers are drawn up but all the facts are false?

    If legal divorce papers are drawn up but all the facts are false, can the divorce still go through if the other person refuses to sign it? How can a judge sign papers that contain false information? Is thisa how a person gets a divorce even if their partner doesn't want one??Divorce...If legal divorce papers are drawn up but all the facts are false?
    The judge only knows what is on the paperwork. This is why it is so important for both parties to have their own lawyer to represent them. My second husband was an adulterer as well as an alcoholic, this I stated to my lawyer, my Ex refused to sign the papers with it being the reason so we changed it to irreconcilable differences. When we went before the judge he asked me if everything was in agreement with the papers, at that point I could have said what I felt in my heart to be truth but because my Ex and I did differ on the marriage vows then I decided to leave it be. If you think the papers are wrong say so to the judge, don't let your divorce be based on false truths.Divorce...If legal divorce papers are drawn up but all the facts are false?
    it depends on what stse you are from but if the info is false there could be some jail time coming good luck
    talk to a lawyer in your state
    Sounds as if your husband is proceeding with a divorce and you do not want it. Get a lawyer ASAP. Unless you show up and contest he will get the divorce and he will get what he asks the judge for unless the judge knows there is something false. Time to protect your rights.
    You don't get a divorce by just filling out papers. divorces go through COURTS and courts are there to protect everyone. If you can not afford a lawyer, you can go to legal aid or if you're a woman you can go to a women's shelter and they can advise you or find you a free lawyer. You take the papers and, if there are incorrect statements, you PROVE otherwise and that is what your lawyer files. Same goes for the man. If the wife is filing for divorce, your lawyer will make your statement in court for you or you can attend court and answer all questions. A divorce judge/court will listen to both sides and sometimes instead of a divorce he/she will order mediation or counselling.
    You and your lawyer can contest to it. If you do not want to sign the divorce papers you do not have to and the judge normally won't sign off on them. A judge will only sign off on them if there is no response from the other party for a certain number of days and after that he will most likely sign them off.
    most divorces are ';no fault';. basicly, it doesn't matter what is on the papers. some judge will grant a divorce to the one who filed the papers. you have a chance at your hearing to refute the allegations but the divorce will be granted.
    I would think that because your making a statement regarding divorce to a court of law that all information should be correct as you know it to be. If there is false information wouldn't that be illegal? If lawyers are involved, they must uphold the word of the law and that is truth, isn't it? If your spouse has false information on his papers then I wouldn't sign it either. But on the other hand, I wouldn't want to stay in a relationship that the other person doesn't want to be there. What are the false facts? does it pertain to children? or property? or finances? I would tell my lawyer what the falsehoods are and amend the document, then give it back to the judge, or the other lawyer.

    What a mess! Good Luck. It's unfortunate that lawyers seem to be the only ones that make money when it comes to divorces.
    you need to speak to your attorney and make him or her aware
    you never go for uncontested divorces w/o an mutual attorney.

    in my state, if a notice of uncontested divorce is given to the other party, the decree can be submitted and approved to the judge if the notice was certifiably presented to the other party and not responded within 20 days.

    thats 20 days for the other party to verify all the relevant info on the documents.

    your loss if you let the 20 days slide by
  • windows web hosting
  • Does anyone know if there are legal issues with false service dates for court papers?

    First, I live in California.

    I was just informed that I will be going to court for a Order to show cause (OSC). for modification of support and additional child care money. Along with a host of other useless requests from my Ex-Wife. However, the papers filed with the court show that the documents were MAILED to me on September 7. The Hearing date is October 23. But the strange part is the post mark on the Envelope is OCTOBER 14.

    Couple of questions:

    Don't I have to be rightfully served?

    Don't I have due process and should have the papers a full 30 days?

    Is the incorrect/misleading date some sort of fraud?

    If you are a lawter and want to assist me in court, please let me know.Does anyone know if there are legal issues with false service dates for court papers?
    You need to go to ask a I do believe you have the postmark going in your favor.

    I feel for you because you are already supporting your child and struggling to get by yourself. Now this arrogant Queen thinks she needs a new car for her 20 year old boyfriend to drive around in and wants you to buy it through the quise of child support money. That;s my take on it.Does anyone know if there are legal issues with false service dates for court papers?
    Go down to the courthouse and bring in the paper and the envelope show the date difference and ask your questions or just call and ask if you could fax it if you can't leave work. If you got an attorney call and ask them. That is what they are paid to do, help you with your legal questions.
    Hearing dates don't require proper ';service'; in the form you are referring, just subpoenas and summons (when the case is initially filed). Subpoenas can be served via certified mail or by an actual process server, and summons can only be served by a process server. So if this is just a notice of hearing, it doesn't really matter when it was mailed. If it's a summons or subpoena, confirm with an attorney that it was improperly served and/or contact the judge (courthouse employees will not speak to you regarding legal matters). I would still recommend showing up to court however; judges aren't too lenient when you don't make an effort.

    Now the seasons finally over.. how many false tranfer rumours will the papers start this season..?

    you know what i mean.. eg ... back page fabregas in talks to go back to spain...then a couple of pages in... fabregas is going to sign a Extension to his arsenal contract... then you wait a couple of weeks and back page again fabregas stays at arsenal you heard it here first two weeks ago....yep its time for the media to start the rumours and make things up as they go along...

    FQ do you think ronaldo will go to madrid this summer..?? this time i think he will...

    may the silly season commence...Now the seasons finally over.. how many false tranfer rumours will the papers start this season..?
    ronaldo is really flirting with Real madrid, making controversial comments and all that, even if he's staying, thats not the way to hang your club,

    whats the difference b/w kaka %26amp; ronaldo.?

    one is the meaning of absolute loyalty, the other is waiting for the time to leave, never promising loyalty. we've never been sure about his future.

    i just wish man utd will have a loyal superstar in the future.

    to me it doesnt matter much if he leaves, im sort of tired of his attitudeNow the seasons finally over.. how many false tranfer rumours will the papers start this season..?
    Millions - no doubt there will be contradictory stories plastered all over the back pages of the papers every day from now until the season starts. Don't forget the online stories either; I'm sure we'll see a lot of questions on here linking to sites concerning theorised players' movements between clubs.

    At least this place will stay active...

    FQ: Before the Champions League final, I was convinced Ronaldo would stay, but now I am not so sure. But... if his decision is based on the outcome of one match, then he can sod off - we don't want him if he's going to have that attitude...
    The never ending one-way saga of Real Madrid's never-going-to-happen pursuit of Ronaldo, Kaka, Benzema, Ribery, LeBron James, Alex Rodriguez, Magic Johnson, Dwight Howard, Manny Ramirez, Michael Jackson, the ghost of Steve Irwin, Lehman Brothers...who else did I leave out?
    ronaldo is not staying at utd. bookmakers say he is going he something like 8/1 to stay if thats not a hint i dont know what is. perez is going back to RM so its looks all set for him to go same as kaka
    They are not rumors. According to one of your ';bunch of ManU fan'; they are the truth.

    And I'll nuke you and so on.

    FQ NO! Old people %26amp; habits never change.
    Well according to the papers, Chelsea have already signed:

    - Ribery

    - Zhirkov

    and then they're saying we haven't.

    Cant wait Deano...

    Dont ya just love the NOTW...

    The only thing you can believe in the date...

    FQ...Yes...He will go...
    I know newspapers are stupid and Ronaldo is STAYING.
    could be quite a lot
    I don't believe in rumours. They're all (mostly) untrue and lies.
    haha its great how we all know its false but we still read it every day :-)
    i remember a few years ago the manu faithful were having a go at the media for ';making up stories'; about the transfer of one of their players.

    ';HE ISN'T GOING'; they cried.

    ';FERGIE WON'T LET HIM GO'; they wailed.

    ';IT'S ALL BULLSH!T AND LIES'; they retorted.

    the player in question was david beckham.

    it is not rumours ronaldo IS going to the bernabau in the summer and there is nothing fergie or the fans can do about it.

    i remember deano-and i said then he was not likely to leave-he was too much of a prized asset to the club-but that was then-this is now- have you noticed the way fergie has been snubbing him lately-the little falling outs and the way he subbed him?.

    exactly the same happened with becks just before he left.
    This was put up in Telegraph website...

    Man Utd:

    Dimitar Berbatov is considering his future at the club after being left on the bench throughout the Champions League final.

    Cristiano Ronaldo is ready to demand a 拢50 million move to Real Madrid this summer. But Madrid are also being linked with Franck Ribery, the Bayern Munich winger, and will likely sign one or the other, certainly not both.

    Karim Benzema and Wigan's Antonio Valencia will be United's main targets should they decide to let Carlos Tevez leave. With his contract up at the end of June, Real Madrid, Liverpool, Manchester City, Chelsea, Tottenham and Everton have all been linked with the Argentinian.

    Paul Scholes has been offered a player-coach role with Stoke City.

    Nani and Park Ji-sung are expected to be offloaded this summer.

    Ben Foster's future could be doubtful with news that United are monitoring Victor Valdes.


    Cesc Fabregas has added fuel to speculation linking him with a move to Spain by saying it would be a dream to play for Champions League winners Barcelona.

    Emmanuel Eboue and William Gallas are said to be on the list of players leaving the Emirates this summer.

    Gareth Barry has been linked with a 拢12 million summer move to Arsenal.

    The club has made an 拢8 million bid for Fulham defender Brede Hangeland.

    The club are said to be readying a 拢10 million bid to secure the signature of Joleon Lescott.


    The club will do battle with Liverpool to land PSG midfielder Stephane Sessegnon.

    The club has reportedly signed Yury Zhirkov for 拢18.6 million from CSKA Moscow.

    AC Milan midfielder Andrea Pirlo will cost Chelsea 拢20 million if Carlo Ancelotti wants to take the Italy star with him to Stamford Bridge.

    Ancelotti is understood to want to sign Franck Ribery, Xabi Alonso, Ashley Young and Jermaine Pennant.

    The club is confident it has beaten off competition from Inter Milan to land FC Twente striker Marko Arnautovic.

    Chelsea will bid 拢22 million to land Inter Milan defender Douglas Maicon - Deco and Ricardo Carvalho could head in the opposite direction.

    Edin Dzeko, the in-demand Wolfsburg striker, has been approached by Chelsea.

    Ashley Cole could be offered a big new contract to fight off the advances of Barcelona and Manchester City..

    Didier Drogba's future is the subject of widespread speculation further after his behaviour during Chelsea's Champions League loss to Barcelona.


    Rafael Benitez will go head-to-head with Chelsea in a bid to land Stephane Sessegnon from PSG.

    Xabi Alonso has been linked with a 拢23 million move to Spain should Florentino Perez become the next president of Real Madrid.

    Glen Johnson, Portsmouth's 拢10m-rated full-back, is back on Rafa Benitez's radar.

    Liverpool will face competition from Spurs for the signature of Carlos Tevez should Manchester United fail to agree a permanent deal with the Argentine when his loan deal ends.

    Valencia winger David Silva is believed to be Benitez's primary target, though the manager admits he will have to spend wisely after being given just 拢20 million to spend, on top of whatever he raises from player sales.

    Jermaine Pennant has been linked with a move to Wigan while Benitez is rumoured to be looking into a deal for Diego Forlan.

    Ryan Babel has been told by Benitez that he can spaek to other clubs.

    Hope this is helpful.



    My high school wrote a false quote about me in the school's news paper, what should i do?

    My school's newspaper put a false quote of me in the newspaper and it said stuff like i thought guys were better stronger and stuff and that girls are stupid. Ive never said that in my life, and now poeple think im a sexist, im completely opposite! What do you think i should do?My high school wrote a false quote about me in the school's news paper, what should i do?
    If you can prove that you never said that or that it is hearsay they have to retract it. However papers like the National Inquirer get away to it to a point. They have been sued successfully many times. They practise poor journalism, supposed to stick to the facts, whether right or wrong. They rely on ';sensationalism';. Perhaps you may not be able to sue the school paper, but if they are wrong, they owe you an apology and a retraction. Poor journalism reflects on the attitude of the reporters and the editor and the school itself. Idle gossip should not be tolerated. Perhaps they are trying to match the other trashy legitimate rags but they shouldn't in a teaching institution. Maybe they don't have much to report or you have an enemy there. Read up on Journalism Ethics before you approach them so you know what they have done wrong and you can point it out to them in a professional manner. Show them you have done your homework, that you practise honest ethics and they should do so too. They should be acting as professionals not gossips or lies.My high school wrote a false quote about me in the school's news paper, what should i do?
    I would contact the newspaper editor and ask where the information came from and then politely ask for an apology for mis quoting you.
    Go to the teacher who runs the newspaper and ask for a retraction. If s/he refuses, go to the principal and then the school board.

    thats stupid.

    ask the school/teachers/journalism teacher if you can post a counter post about that, saying that those were not your words.

    if not, look on the bright side, your in the freaking schools newspaper.:]
    Demand they print an appropriate retraction.
    Go to the editor of the paper and have them print a retraction. If you didn't say these things and they have no proof, they could be in a bad position here. I'd want to know where they got their information and why they printed it, then get them to print a retraction in the next newspaper.

    Good luck.
    But why did they do that anyway??? you should report them to your adviser,friend or principal. It should help
    Sue them for slander and defamation
    CALL CNN AND FOX NEWS AND LET THEM KNOW! You may want to get a lawyer. THATS BAD! LOL

    OR you can just forget about it
    make them print an apology in the next issue

    the nespaper team have broken the news tell someone and sort it out.

    it isn't doing anything for your reputation and your properly not a sexist so shouldn't be called that for something you didn't say.

    tell the teacher or something that looks after the newspaper team if that is what you call them.
    Take it up with the school and make them print an apoligy in the next issue.
    Write a letter to the Editor of the school paper, your town paper and the Principal. CC to the School Board. In it, demand a retraction be printed on the school paper's front page and an apology. If they don't respond, threaten them with a lawsuit.
    ask them to print a retraction, if they wont go to thier faculty advisor, if he wont, go to the local paper.
    That is awful...I would demand the newspaper print an apology and go to the principal or school district representative if you have to. That is BS!
    Tell the editor. Tell the that wasn't true. Ask if they would like a false quote about them. If they say it was, tell the principal that was false, can THEY tell them?
    u need to go to the head of the newspaper and say u want them to recant that. if they dont take legal matters
    well i think that there is no smoke without a fire this means that you might done sth or said sth which made them take this impression on u or there migth be someone who hates u so he made this to get regret.
    Write a letter to the editor setting the record straight. Also insist that the newspaper print a recantation. If they refuse, you might take the matter up with the school principal.

    False Signing Of Mortgage Papers, advice required?

    My wife took someone else to sign mortgage papers who was impersonating myself, this can be verified and proof is easy as at the date of signing and throughout everything going on with the move i was in prison.

    Does this affect the claims i have against my house being in my name.

    This took place six years ago and since then she has been formally cautioned for benefit fraud and i am paying back the monies to the tune of 6k also she is now trying to get my holiday changed i am the lead name on the tickets and i fear she will get someone to impersonate me again.

    Although i have the tickets she has been trying to call thomson direct to change the details.

    Advice would be very appreciated on this one.False Signing Of Mortgage Papers, advice required?
    Did you approve of her taking someone in your place at the time?

    Are you guys in the middle of a divorce? Call several attorney's. Many will give free consultations.False Signing Of Mortgage Papers, advice required?
    Talk to a local property attorney. Even if you can't pay him, talk to one anyway; they may do some pro bono work for you. (work for free)

    What kind of false info is american news papers feeding the world and americans???

    they said zarqawis replacement was in iraq? hahahahhahha

    what a joke the guy is in prision in egypt. how can we trust the false news from the usa media?…

    if u are going to tell me aljazira is not aeliable souce of info then u u can look this up in ruiters.What kind of false info is american news papers feeding the world and americans???
    Any information that makes Americans support their government and believe what it says, information that leads them to think that stupid Bush IS fighting terrorists..that he can't leave Iraq because terrorism there is not over even with Zarakawi killed.What kind of false info is american news papers feeding the world and americans???
    CNN started that lie.... Stupid democratic news show.....
    They lie to give us something to talk about.
    They are claiming that the govt. is working towards getting Osama
    It wasn't on Fox?

    They won a court case after they had terminated a broadcater because she refused to air a story she knew and Fox knew was a lie. Fox aired it anyway!

    She suid and the judge ruled in Foxes favoring saying that they could broadcast things they knew were lies!!







    TAMPA, INC., d/b/a WTVT-TV, )


    Appellant, )


    v. ) Case No. 2D01-529


    JANE AKRE, )


    Appellee. )


    Opinion filed February 14, 2003.

    Appeal from the Circuit Court

    for Hillsborough County;

    Ralph Steinberg, Judge.

    William E. McDaniels and Thomas G.

    Hentoff of Williams %26amp; Connolly LLP,

    Washington, D.C., Patricia Fields

    Anderson, P.A., St. Petersburg, and

    Gary D. Roberts and Theodore A.

    Russell of Fox Group Legal Department,

    Los Angeles, California, for Appellant.

    Michael S. Finch, St. Petersburg, and

    Stuart C. Markman, Robert W. Ritsch,

    and Katherine Earle Yanes of Kynes,

    Markman %26amp; Felman, P.A., Tampa,

    for Appellee.

    . . any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to


    any federal, state, or local statute or ordinance applicable to the employer and

    pertaining to the business.” § 448.101(4), Fla. Stat. (1997). We agree with WTVT that

    the FCC’s policy against the intentional falsification of the news – which the FCC has

    called its “news distortion policy” – does not qualify as the required “law, rule, or

    regulation” under section 448.102.
    everything is unreliable alone, even the bible says to not quote one scripture or passage alone. but to have 2 , 3 at least backing up and supporting the one being used as a benchmark.
    ~What are you trying to do, start a war or something? Oops, you're too late.
    anything that sells
    then why did you get upset over some cartoons . you can't have it both ways or are you the real liar
    i didn't even know the newspapers were aloud to tell the truth

    How do I fix a ';false paper jam'; on an Epson CX3200?

    There is a common problem when you get a constant jam condition, or paper won't feed in correctly after a bad jam was removed, or even when the printer or your computer thinks that the paper has not been correctly loaded. You stated that you have recently had a bad paper jam that you had to remove out of your printer. If you had to actually pull that jam out forcefully, especially towards the rear of the printer, in the backwards direction, then its possible that a part was unhooked/unseated, or even damaged. When paper is pulled to the rear/backwards with force, it can unseats the arm on the ';Paper Jam Sensor Assy';, resulting in a constant jam condition and no paper feeding in at all. Normally, as paper passes thru the printer, it causes a black plastic arm [with a spring attached] to be pushed forward out of the ';Paper Jam Sensor';. As the trail edge of the paper leaves the plastic arm, the spring causes the plastic arm to be pulled back into its normal position [into that sensor assembly]. When the arm does not correctly return, the sensor is not activated and the printer thinks there is a paper jam [even though you can not see any paper in the paper path], or does not correctly feed-in the paper, because the sensor is not correctly actuated. Of course I have no way to really know whats wrong with your printer, or even if this is your problem but you have to start some place and I've seen this happen many times. Because of the disassembly and troubleshooting involved, you will need a Service Manual to use for reference in disassembly and troubleshooting. You have to realize that your printer does not actually have the ability to see any paper in your printer. It depends on electrical signals transmitted thru sensors, to determine if there is a jam or if the paper is out.How do I fix a ';false paper jam'; on an Epson CX3200?
    If there is no paper stuck in the printer you reset it by hitting the color copy button. Usually the ld screen prompts you with what it wants you to do. If there is no paper jam just skip the instruction to remove the paper and follow the mini lcd screen instructions.
  • windows web hosting
  • True or false multiple question paper, deduction of marks if incorrect answer. is it best to answer all true?

    I'm taking a 100 question multiple choice question paper on Tuesday, but I don't know the subject very well. It's true or false question with 1 mark for a correct answer and minus half a mark for a false one. Would I be able to achieve statistically an OK mark grade if I just put true for all the answers? Or would it be wiser to answer only the questions I know the answer to?True or false multiple question paper, deduction of marks if incorrect answer. is it best to answer all true?
    Answer them all with your best guess. If you haven't a clue, go ahead and answer true.

    You can expect about half of the answers to be true and about half to be false. So if you answer all of them true, you can expect to get a full point for half of them, and a negative half point for the other half, averaging out to about a quarter point per question.

    If you answer all 100 questions this way, you can expect to score 25 points -- probably not ';statistically an OK mark grade.';

    What you want to do is:

    (1) Answer all the questions you know. You'll expect to earn near 100% for these questions.

    (2) If you aren't certain, but have a feeling one way or the other, follow your gut. You won't expect to earn full marks for these, but probably something better than 25%.

    (3) If you really have no idea, go ahead and answer all true or however you like. You'll only expect to earn a quarter point for these, but it's better than nothing.True or false multiple question paper, deduction of marks if incorrect answer. is it best to answer all true?
    u should mark it all true. because.....

    let x be the questions whose answers are true

    let y be the questions whose answers are false

    your mark is calculated by

    (1x - 0.5y) / 100 if u mark it all true because u get one mark for each correct answer and minus half a mark for an incorrect one

    if u only mark the ones u know, u'd get one mark minused anyways so your mark woud be

    (1x - 1y) / 100 and i would rather get 0.5 minused for one wrong answer than one full mark for an unanswered one

    but u never did explain what happens if u dont answer at all so i dont know what ur talking about please add more info